Skip school for a day and i was in malaysia on thursday night. Cousin's wedding, 1 life 1 time only how can dont take off from school! Hehe. It was the actual day, the ______(fill in the blanks) ceremony LOL. We arrived at my cousin's house to prepare very early in the morning, only slept for 3 pathetic hours!!!
look kinda fat here but i dont care... ^^
couz tying a ribbon cus we gonna hang grapes on the top to let the groom eat. and that mission FAILED. they just pulled the whole thing down lor SO UNFAIR. but anyway we demanded ANGBAOS from them!
cutey cousins blowing the balloons! his nose cute la. i think he resembles a cartoon character? but i dont know who.
presenting to you the bride! her makeup and the hairstyle set were super nice i think, very suitable for her face. lol ok i dont know what im saying!
camwhore with the chio red roses. that was after the ______(Fill in the blank) ceremony LOL! We got a lot of angbaos! STRONG SISTERS TEAM yo.
my couz with the roses and ANGBAOS!!!! QUITE ALOT lor~
my couz with her brotherrrrrr. they look kinda alike dont they?
me and him. just look at the chio LV belt. everyone wants it LOL. very nice i think me like
this was taken in the couple's new house. it was so nicely decorated on every storey. it has 3 storeys btw. ok i just want to say its very nice. LOL. After this, went shopping with my couz and jiuma! Bought 2 dresses and 1 top SO CHEAPZ AND NICE! HAHAHAHA
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